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Volunteer Opportunities

FDHA is seeking volunteers for the following positions:

Florida Liaison to the ADHA Institute of Oral Health for the 2023-2024 fiscal year

Liaisons are volunteers, grassroots fundraisers, ADHA leaders, and change-makers. The fundraising they do on behalf of the Institute for Oral Health directly contributes to scholarships, community service grants and research grants to dental hygienists throughout the United States. Liaisons also hold a critical job as communicators—they are charged with the important duty of communicating Institute for Oral Health opportunities such as open scholarships and grants. Lastly, Liaisons are advocates for their communities. Liaisons work closely within the state and local chapters and communicate the needs of those communities to the National ADHA Institute for Oral Health offices to better serve the dental hygiene community.

Interested in becoming the Florida Liaison to ADHA IOH? Contact FDHA President, Jessica Walker at

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