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Meet FDHA Lobbyists

Leslie Y. Dughi

Director of Government Law and Policy

A woman in a business suit posing for a photo.

Leslie Y. Dughi's state practice spans more than 20 years and includes all areas of the executive and legislative branches of government. From her representations, Leslie has gained in-depth knowledge on the inner workings of Florida government. Over the years, Leslie has represented health care entities and providers, including statewide associations, a major aerospace partnership responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Space Shuttle Program and an international auto rental and fleet management company. Further, she served as the Director of Government Affairs for the Florida Chamber of Commerce where she developed strategic relationships and led many legislative and grassroots initiatives important to the business community. Leslie has particular experience in the lobbying of health care and health insurance matters and other regulatory issues before the various state agencies and the Florida Legislature.

In addition to her lobbying experience, Leslie has considerable experience in political communications, serving as the Political Director for Associated Industries, Florida_s largest statewide business association. Throughout her career she has coordinated numerous grassroots advocacy campaigns for business entities and statewide trade associations and has worked with many Florida statewide and legislative campaigns.

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