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The Florida Dental Hygienists' Association (FDHA), founded in 1926, represents the more than 12,000 dental hygienists who practice in the state of Florida. FDHA provides continuing education to members and supports programs that inform other health care providers of the services offered by dental hygienists. The Florida Dental Hygiene Symposium, held each September or October, attracts hygienists from across the state who gather to hear presentations by nationally recognized experts in the dental health profession. In addition to the Symposium, component (local) seminars are offered throughout the year to keep members up-to-date with developments in the profession.

For further information contact: FDHA (407) 801-1535 or ADHA (312) 440-8900

Core Values

Service, Health, Excellence, Community, Ethics

Core Ideology

Encouraging all dental hygienists to achieve their fullest potential as they seek to improve the public’s oral health.

Vision Statement

Create a community for all dental hygienists to collaborate and invest in their future.

FDHA Mission Statement

To serve the public by advancing the art and science of dental hygiene, increasing awareness of and improving access to quality health care; promoting the highest standards of dental hygiene education, licensure, and practice; and representing the profession of dental hygiene

Dental Hygiene Oath

In my practice as a dental hygienist, I affirm my personal and professional commitment to improve the oral health of the public, to advance the art and science of dental hygiene, and to promote high standards of quality care.

I pledge continually to improve my professional knowledge and skills, to render a full measure of service to each patient entrusted to my care, and to uphold the highest standards of professional competence and personal conduct in the interest of the dental hygiene profession and the public it serves.

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